Health updates

The Albanese Labor Government is making it easier and cheaper to see a doctor.

Labor has tripled the bulk billing incentive – the largest ever investment in the 40 year history of Medicare.

This comes after a decade of decline under the Coalition Government who made it harder and more expensive for Australians to see a GP.

Is it any wonder that Australian doctors voted Peter Dutton the worst health minister in 40 years?

When Peter Dutton was Health minister he ripped $50 billion from hospitals, tried to introduce a $7 GP tax and secretly launched the Medicare Privatisation Taskforce.

Can you imagine what he’d do if he had the chance again?

Labor is strengthening Medicare

Labor’s record investment, tripling the bulk billing incentive, is making a real difference.

Already, doctors' groups have called this a “game-changer” and GPs right around the country have said this will help them maintain and even shift back to bulk billing.

This historic investment in bulk billing is on top of a $1.5 billion indexation boost to every Medicare rebate, the largest since Paul Keating was Prime Minister.

We're also opening 58 free Medicare Urgent Care Clinics around the country.

It will take time to strengthen Medicare after the former government left our health system on life support for nine long years.

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