Reliable Renewables

The Albanese Labor Government is delivering a reliable renewable energy plan to drive down power bills and lower emissions, while delivering thousands of jobs.

A decade of inaction under the Coalition left us with an energy system that’s too old, too unreliable and too expensive.

Families are paying the price for the Coalition’s energy failures in their power bills.
Labor's plans to fix it are already underway, with a 25% increase in two years in the cheapest and cleanest form of energy there is: renewable energy.

And we’ve ticked off enough renewables projects to power 3 million homes.

Australia is lucky to have an abundance of sun and wind, with the best solar and off-shore wind opportunities in the world.

Labor’s investment in storage batteries and transmission lines means it’s reliable energy, too.

Labor's Reliable Renewables Plan:

1. Maximising cheap, clean energy getting our energy grid to 82% renewables by 2030.

2. Investing in battery storage and transmission – to ensure reliable power everywhere.

3. Ensuring everyone shares in the benefits of reliable renewables, and creating thousands of jobs with a Future Made in Australia.

Whilst Labor are investing in the cheapest form of energy Peter Dutton will serve up the most expensive form of energy there is and Australians will pick up the bill. Experts agree that Dutton’s nuclear plan is too expensive, too slow to build and too risky.

The Albanese Government’s Reliable Renewables Plan is the only plan supported by experts to deliver the clean, cheap, reliable and resilient energy system that Australians deserve.

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