Building Australia's Future

The world has thrown a lot of tough challenges at Australia over the past few years. Repairing an economy takes time but Australia is turning the corner. In just three years inflation is coming down, wages are moving again, Labor’s tax cuts and energy bill relief have helped, and Labor has opened 87 free Medicare Urgent Care Clinics across Australia, with more to come.

And now, a re-elected Labor Government will build on these foundations by:

  • Strengthening Medicare with the biggest investment in bulk billing ever so Australians can see a doctor for free.
  • Continuing the largest house build in Australian history, building 1.2 million homes in five years.
  • Cutting HECS debt by 20% and making sure student debt never grows faster than wages.
  • Making free TAFE permanent to boost Australia’s workforce; training more nurses, healthcare workers, tradies and construction workers.

For details regarding Labor's plans and policies passed into law, visit our Media section or government department websites.