Varun Ghosh


Contact Varun

Suite 4, Commonwealth Parliamentary Offices
Level 38, Exchange Tower 2 The Esplanade
Perth WA 6000

(08) 9260 5060

Mail: GPO Box B58
Perth WA 6838

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Senator for Western Australia

Varun Ghosh is a Labor Senator for Western Australia.

Varun graduated in law and arts from the University of Western Australia and completed a master of law degree at the University of Cambridge, where he studied on a Frank Downing scholarship.

Before entering politics, Varun worked as a barrister at Francis Burt Chambers in Perth. He previously worked in law firms in Perth and New York, as well as at the World Bank in Washington DC.

Varun was sworn into the Senate on 6 February 2024 and gave his first speech 25 March 2024.

When not working, Varun enjoys bushwalking, playing cricket, hockey, and golf, and live music and the theatre.