Strengthening Medicare: More Urgent Care Clinics

The 2024-25 Budget is delivering on the Albanese Government’s promise to make it easier to see a doctor.
This Budget is investing a further $227 million so thousands more Australians can get the free urgent care they need with 29 additional Medicare Urgent Care Clinics.
This will bring the total number to 87 Medicare UCCs open across the country, offering walk-in care, seven days a week over extended hours, completely bulk billed.
The Government is also providing additional funding for Medicare UCCs located in regional, rural and remote Australia.
There have been almost 400,000 visits to Medicare UCCs across Australia.
Almost one in three visits have been for children under the age of 15.
Over a third of visits have been outside of normal working hours.
Half of all patients that have presented to UCCs say they would have otherwise gone to an Emergency Department.
The Government will continue to work closely with state and territory governments and Primary Health Networks on the implementation of these Medicare UCCs.

As at 12 May 2024.