
We can't do it without you.

Will you chip in to our
Aston Campaign Fund?

There will be a by-election in the marginal seat of Aston on 1 April 2023.

Aston needs a strong local voice that will make sure they're not forgotten. Labor's candidate Mary Doyle will be that voice.

Our opposition can rely on their big donor mates, but our campaign for Aston will be funded by grassroots donors.

So can you donate to support our campaign to help Labor win the Aston by-election?

Will you chip in to our
Aston Campaign Fund?

There will be a by-election in the marginal seat of Aston on 1 April 2023.

Aston needs a strong local voice that will make sure they're not forgotten. Labor's candidate Mary Doyle will be that voice.

Our opposition can rely on their big donor mates, but our campaign for Aston will be funded by grassroots donors.

So can you donate to support our campaign to help Labor win the Aston by-election?

Donations of over $15,200 are subject to disclosure under the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918.

This is the reason we require your personal details when making a donation. However, the Australian Labor Party has a policy of disclosing all donations over $1,000. All donations are secure and encrypted. Donations may also be made by credit card by phoning the Labor’s National Secretariat on (02) 6120 0800.

* The Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 prohibits the knowing receipt of donations from foreign donors. Foreign donors include:

  • a foreign public enterprise;
  • an entity (whether or not incorporated) that does not meet any of the following conditions:
    • the entity is incorporated in Australia;
    • the entity's head office is in Australia;
    • the entity's principal place of activity is, or is in, Australia;
  • an individual who is none of the following:
    • an elector;
    • an Australian citizen;
    • an Australian resident;
    • a New Zealand citizen who holds a Subclass 444 (Special Category) visa under the Migration Act 1958 (or if that Subclass ceases to exist, the kind of visa that replaces that Subclass).