Linda White


Contact Linda's office

(03) 9639 2798

Former Senator for Victoria

Linda White's whole working life was devoted to ensuring that workers got the best deal they could. 

Linda spent almost 10 years as a solicitor working for individuals, and then moved to the Australian Services Union where she fought to improve the wages and conditions of workers across Australia, including coordinating the ASU's successful equal pay claim for non-government social and community services workers. Linda had extensive experience in a range of other industries, including airlines, which were hard-hit during the pandemic. 

Linda had many other interests and served on a range of boards as a non-executive director including in the superannuation, arts and sport industries.

Linda believed that only Labor governments can change people's lives for the better and that is why she chose to stand for the Senate in Victoria.

Linda passed away in office on 29 February 2024.