Rob Mitchell


Contact Rob

Office Address
57-59 High St
Wallan VIC 3064

Postal Address
PO Box 380
Wallan VIC 3064

(03) 5716 3000

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Member for McEwen

Rob has lived most of his adult life in the McEwen electorate with his family of being part of our communities for generations. Rob raised his family here, played team sports here since he was a teenager and he’s been actively involved in a range of community organisations for decades.

As a tradie, a volunteer, a business manager and our local MP, Rob has lived the challenges of life in the outer North and regional Victoria. As a founding member of the Community Emergency Response Team, or as an RACV mechanic helping drivers on Victorian roads, Rob has played a hands-on role in the community. As a local he understands the need to have a secure job, a safe community. Rob knows the importance of having the services we need locally.

People always say Rob is authentic. They know they can trust him. He is a straight shooter. He is one of us. As an MP, Rob knows that he is here for us and that his role is to work together to improve people’s lives in our community in whatever way we can.

Rob has always fought for and secured funding to ensure that all his promises to the McEwen electorate have been delivered.

You know you can trust Rob to get positive results.